Use of Material Restrictions

All material from LIPADDLERS.ORG may not be copied, downloaded, distributed, or used in any way without the prior written consent of the Long Island Paddlers, Inc organization. Exceptions to these restrictions include: downloadable material offered by LIPADDLERS.ORG as provided for your personal interest and not for commercial use, printing webpages is permitted for personal use and not for commercial use. Using or applying modifications to any material provided from LIPADDLERS.ORG is in violation of Long Island Paddlers, Inc.’s intellectual property rights. Material obtained from LIPADDLERS.ORG may not be sold, reverse engineered, redistributed, or disassembled unless authorized by the Long Island Paddlers, Inc.


Accuracy of Information

LIPADDLERS.ORG takes all measures possible to ensure that all information offered from LIPADDLERS.ORG is accurate and current. There may be instances when information may become outdated, incomplete, or incorrectly stated.  For this reason, we do not guarantee all data to be complete and accurate.


Updates and Revisions

Occasionally, LIPADDLERS.ORG’s website may undergo some revisions and updates that are required. We reserve the right to make any modifications or changes to the website, its operation, and functionality, without prior notice. Should any changes affect critical issues, we will shut down this site during its updates and revisions to ensure all data integrity is preserved.



Your use of this site is of your own risk. LIPADDLERS.ORG’s website content is provided “AS IS” without warranties of any kind. Due to revisions, upgrades, maintenance, or repairs, LIPADDLERS.ORG does not guarantee uninterrupted service. LIPADDLERS.ORG makes all attempts to offer a secure and safe experience but does not guarantee to be free of all defects, viruses and other malicious behavior. You are responsible to protect your property.


This website’s code and designs are property of The Long Island Paddlers, Inc. All rights reserved.